This EV Video of the Month, run in a horizontal fracked well, is more amazing footage from our HD Electric Line camera. The frac data had showed some anomalies which the customer wanted to investigate. HD e-line was run on e-coil with the footage being streamed live into the customer’s offices in Calgary, 2,500 kilometers away.
The first part of the video shows the condensate to produced water interface perfectly and also shows oil entering the well bore through an open sliding sleeve.
The second part of the video explains the frac anomalies. The holes are the remains of the packer equalisation ports plus associated casing damage which had failed after 8 fracs. Fluid inflow through one of the holes can be clearly seen thanks to the high frame rate video.
In the final section of the video the sideview camera shows the detail of one of the failed ports. The level of detail that can be seen with the sideview camera is impressive and the effect of scouring from the frac sand is obvious.