Our latest video of the month demonstrates how EV’s PerforationVA and PlugVA visual analytic services were applied in the US to help an operator improve the performance of their plug-and-perf completion designs.

With 3 different completion designs to choose from, the operator of a new development wanted to compare these designs to decipher which was the most effective and then apply this design field-wide.

PlugVA and PerforationVA

PlugVA and PerforationVA combine to provide a complete and quantified assessment of completion design and frac performance. PlugVA evaluates frac plug integrity and helps ensure treatment pressures are applied to the target interval, while PerforationVA helps to ensure control of proppant placement and effective stimulation. By using both services simultaneously, based upon a single 360 degree dataset, operators can tailor their completion designs and optimize their frac operations to deliver higher productivity wells and greater return on investment.