ClearVision™ is the world’s only integrated array video and phased array ultrasound scanning tool. It combines state-of-the-art 360° video and phased array ultrasound technologies to offer the most advanced 4D evaluation system for wellbore applications. With unsurpassed accuracy and unambiguous information, ClearVision™ provides a complete understanding to help overcome any obstacle and maximize well performance.

Data You Can Trust

Only with full and accurate measurements can you reveal the real the truth of the situation and gain a complete understanding of your well. ClearVision™ delivers information you can trust, helping you make the best design, intervention, and production performance decisions – in all conditions and across all of your wells.

Accurate and Repeatable Information

By combining the superior axial and circumferential measurement accuracy of array video technology with the radial geometry from phased array ultrasound scanning, ClearVision™ provides the most accurate measurements of any downhole geometry – no matter how small or large. And with the unique ability to measure in-situ toolstring velocity based on video images, ClearVision™ is immune to the stick-and-slip motion effects that plague all other array measurement technologies, resulting in repeatable, reliable information.

Valid Data, Valid Conclusions

Only with full and accurate measurements can you reveal the real erosion trends and gain a complete understanding of proppant placement. By capturing images with full-spectral video imaging and high-frequency ultrasound, ClearVision™ enables operators to see and measure 100% of perforations – including small dimension perforations and those plugged with sand – resulting in unsurpassed accuracy and unambiguous information regarding perforation erosion and proppant placement.

The Whole Truth

Knowing where your data came from and how it has been processed is paramount to ensure that conclusions are valid and that decisions are based upon facts. We believe in the value of transparency, which is why we promise to deliver a full open book and complete analysis history, with no black boxes (or circles) and with nothing hidden. Every ClearVision™ dataset will include the original and unobscured raw images alongside the final processed product to give you a clear vision of your well and ensure that you are not left in the dark.


ClearVision™ captures the most complete and accurate picture of well status, condition and anomalies. With it’s 4D measurement capabilities and proven ability to operate in the widest range of well fluids, ClearVision™ can be deployed to evaluate a wide range of applications. Whether onshore or offshore, production or injection, ClearVision™ will provide data you can trust.

Stage Design Evaluation

ClearVision™ captures the most complete perforation evaluation dataset with impeccable accuracy in all well conditions. This, combined with EV's PerforationVA service, provides the most complete, accurate and reliable dataset that enables operators to completely trust their data to correctly identify erosion variability trends that would otherwise be unobtainable.

Frac Plug Performance

Failure of a Frac Plug to hold pressure will lead to ineffective stimulation, reduced productivity and even well-to-well interaction. ClearVision™ and EV's PlugVA service provides valuable diagnostics of issues such as incorrect setting depths, poor wellbore cleanout, tolerance mis-match, or mechanical failure to help understand and eliminate frac plug failure.

Wellbore Deformation

Wellbore deformation can occur at any time during the life of well and are often unseen at surface. There may be no loss of containment or any visible signs, rather deformation events are often found the hard way: during interventions. ClearVision™ provides operators safe and efficient diagnosis of well deformation and, combines with EV’s RestrictionVA service, enables them to understand the cause and severity of the issue.

Sand Control Evaluation

Sand production often leads to significant production decline and premature well abandonment. ClearVision™ provides operators with a unique and comprehensive perspective of sand control completions, and in conjunction with EV’s SandVA analysis services, enables them to identify sites of failure and take effective action to safeguard their assets and their production.


ClearVision’s data and analytical results are delivered via EV's AIVA™ platform, a custom-built, cloud-based data interpretation and visualization system. AIVA™ enables global users to retrieve data at anytime from anywhere with internet access, resulting in faster answers and more effective decision making.



Whether evaluating frac performance, wellbore deformation, corrosion or erosion, or performing diagnostics of complex completion components, data from ClearVision™ is fully supported by EV’s cloud-based AIVA™ platform. Instantly accessible from anywhere with internet access, and with advanced PowerBI analytic tools, AIVA™ allows you to exploit your data to the fullest, resulting in faster, more complete answers and more effective decision-making.


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