EV’s Optis® Memory camera is the most robust and widely-used memory camera available to the industry. Through ruggedize engineering and flexible, high-capacity recording time, EV provide vivid, high frame rate colour video directly at the well site to support slickline conveyed well interventions.

With its low cost, simple rig-up and safe operation, slickline interventions have increasingly become the conveyance of choice for mechanical and data gathering well interventions. However, with limited feedback on downhole conditions or exerted forces, combined with the inability to monitor the quality of acquired data, slickline interventions place high requirements on durability and data integrity. Which is why operators turn to EV’s field-proven, market-leading range of memory cameras and visual diagnostic services for their information needs.

With in-house operations experts combined with the flagship Optis® and Optis Infinity™ range of memory video systems, EV have the technology and expertise to help well operators plan and successfully execute slickline operations, helping them to identify and overcome a wide range of downhole challenges.

EV’s in-house designed memory software is an extremely powerful and user-friendly operating system. With easy, flexible user programming and high-speed recovery of recorded data, razor-sharp video images are immediately available to well operators – directly at the well site. The power of this visual information is further enhanced by the ability to offer dimensioning of downhole images with EV’s proprietary Visual Analytic services, providing comprehensive, 360° evaluation of even the most complex downhole challenge and enabling improved decision-making capabilities.

Applications include:

  • Imaging dropped objects and wellbore fish
  • Mechanical inspection of wellbore hardware
  • Inspection and monitoring of corrosion and erosion
  • Determining cause of hold-up in well, such as scale, salt or hydrates
  • Detecting water entry in gas wells and oil entry in high cut water wells
  • Gas storage inspection
  • Leak and cross-flow detection
  • Evaluation of sanding, scaling and other wellbore deposits



Basis M125

EV’s Basis M125 memory camera provides black and white video at four frames per second as a reliable and cost effective solution to well diagnosis problems.

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EV’s M125 camera provides vivid, full colour video at thirty frames per second as a reliable and cost effective solution to well diagnosis problems.

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EV’s M150 provides vivid colour video at twenty five frames per second at a maximum continuous temperature of 150°C (302°F) as a reliable & cost effective solution to well diagnosis problems.

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EV’s M160 Camera provides vivid colour video at twenty five frames per second at a maximum continuous temperature of 160°C (320°F) as a reliable & cost effective solution to well diagnosis problems.

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The Integrated Video Caliper tool combines the industry leading Optis® camera technology with an industry standard 40-arm Multi-Finger Caliper to provide a unique and complete answer to well integrity challenges.

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Optis® Infinity is the world’s first array sideview camera for downhole applications. Optis Infinity provides a ground-breaking, 360°, top-to-toe perspective of well performance and integrity in stunning high definition.

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