ClearVision at URTeC

Join us at URTeC on stand 509 at 10:30am on the 13th June to learn about our newest groundbreaking technology for frac operations, #ClearVision™

EV will unveiling our latest innovation at URTeC which sets out to fill the gaps in fracture measuring operations caused by other intervention methods. By combining our flagship array video imaging with state-of-the-art phased array ultrasound technology, ClearVision provides an instant, detailed understanding of complex wellbore issues, even when you can’t see.


Don't Get Left in the Dark

Only with full and accurate measurements can you reveal the real erosion trends and gain a complete understanding of proppant placement. By capturing images with full-spectral video imaging and high-frequency ultrasound, ClearVision enables operators to see and measure 100% of perforations.

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