This video of the month comes from an operation in the Netherlands, where an operator utilised EV’s Optis technology to help overcome a complex fishing challenge.
A straddle packer was accidently set off and stuck within the Christmas tree. After a milling operation the operator was able to retrieve the top section of the straddle packer. However after multiple fishing attempts, the operator was unable to latch onto the bottom section of the straddle packer.
In a bid to avoid further costly failed attempts or false assumptions, the operator decided to run EV’s Optis M125 camera on slickline with Downview footage acquired to help visualise and understand the status of the fish downhole. EV’s Optis Memory camera is the most robust and widely-used memory camera available to the industry. Through bespoke engineering and flexible, high-capacity recording time, EV provide vivid high frame rate colour video directly at the well site to support slickline conveyed well interventions. In this operation, rapid mobilization was enabled through EV’s dedicated fleet of tools in the Netherlands. Watch the video to find out more!
With visual confirmation of fish location and status attained, and a clear understanding of the problem provided, the operator was able to design a customised fishing tool, which successfully retrieved the fish on the next run, thereby restoring the well.